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Research Impact

Document level metrics

Metrics used for measuring the impact of a document are citation counts, Field-Weighted Citation Impact, Field Citation Ratio and Relative Citation Ratio

You may use ScopusGoogle Scholar and Dimensions to find:

  • high impact articles in your research field, 
  • who has cited your publications and where.

Other library databases, such as EBSCO, ProQuest, Emerald, ACM Digital Library, JSTOR, ScienceDirect, SpringerLink and Ovid, also provide citation information. These database can be used as additional tools for finding citations of your articles.


Field-weighted citation impact in Scopus

Field-weighted citation impact  (FWCI) is the ratio of an article's citations to the average number of citations received by all similar articles over a three-year window.

  • A FWCI greater than 1.00 means the article is more cited than expected according to the average.
  • FWCI takes into account of the year of publication, document type and the disciplines associated with its source.

Click on the article title to go the full record and view the FWCI: FWCI Scopus


Analysing article citations

Scopus uses a Cited reference search to find citations of an article and analyse these citations.

Find how an article has been cited in Scopus:

  • On Scopus Document search, search by an article title and author's name 
  • On the search result, find the number of publications that have cited this article in the Cited by column.
    Click on the number to find these publications

Cited by number in Scopus

  • You can find more information about these publications by selecting All article and Clicking Analyze search results

Scopus analyse search results

  • To exclude self citations from the list of publications that cited this article, select names under Author name and click Exclude 
    You may need to click View all to find all the authors who wrote the cited article.

Exclude self citations

Watch this online tutorial Using Scopus article metrics, or the YouTube video How to view article metrics in Scopus.


Citation overview

Find how an article has been cited over a range of years:

  • Scopus Document Search > search for an article title (or choose an article from a search results list)
  • Click in the box to Select the article > click View citation overview

Article citations over time in Scopus

  • The next screen will show a graph of citations by years.
  • You may select the checkbox Exclude self citations of all authors
  • Move your mouse to the points in the graph to see how many citations in each year

Citations over time graph in Scopus



Field Citation Ratio and Relative Citation Ratio in Dimensions

Field Citation Ratio (FCR): Indicates the relative citation performance of a publication when compared to similarly-aged articles in its subject area. The FCR is calculated for all publications in Dimensions which are at least 2 years old.

Relative Citation Ratio (RCR): indicates the relative citation performance of a publication when comparingwhen compared to other publications in its area of research. A value of more than 1.0 shows a citation rate above average. The RCR is calculated for all PubMed publications in Dimenstions which are at least 2 years old.

  • In the search results for an article, click on the Citations button:

Dimensions article result citations button

  • Full citation information for the article starts with Summary.  Click on Citations and Citing research categories for more details.

Dimensions article metrics full display

Google Scholar

Cited reference searching in Google Scholar

  • Search for a distinctive phrase from the article title (enclose in double quotation marks) and author's family name. The following example searches an article written by the AUT Profesor Elaine Rush

Google Scholar article search

  • On the results list, use the Cited by link to display a list of the publications that cite your article
Google Scholar cited by number
  • If you want to limit the Cited by publications to a specified date range, click Custom range, enter the the box and click Search.

IEEE Xplore citation search

IEEE Xplore is a database contains publications in electrical engineering, computer science and electronics. There is a Citation Search option to find out how an article or an author has been cited and the number of times an article has been viewed.

  • Click Advanced search from the home page to find Citation Search 

IEEE advanced - citation search screen

  • Enter the DOI or Document Title to find an article and its citation data

IEEE article metrics screen