Film / Movie
Reference list entry:
Scorsese, M. (Producer), & Lonergan, K. (Writer/Director). (2000). You can count on me [Motion picture]. United States: Paramount Pictures. |
Television series
Reference list entry:
Laing, J. (Producer). (2006). Outrageous fortune [Television series]. New Zealand: South Pacific Pictures. |
Single episode in a television series
Reference list entry:
Egan, D. (Writer), & Alexander, J. (Director). (2005). Failure to communicate [Television series episode]. In D. Shore (Executive producer), House; New York, NY: Fox Broadcasting. |
Television film online - subscription only
Reference list entry:
Haskell, C. (Director). (2011). Tangiwai [Television film]. Available from |
YouTube video blog post
Reference list entry:
Norton, R. (2006, November 4). How to train a cat to operate a light switch [Video file]. Retrieved from |
YouTube video
Reference list entry:
Bellofolletti. (2009, April 8). Ghost caught on surveillance camera [Video file]. Retrieved from |
Reference list entry:
Dunning, B. [volleybrian]. (2011, January 12). inFact: Conspiracy theories [Video file]. Retrieved from =5&feature=plcp |
Video podcast - iTunes
Reference list entry:
Dunning, B. (Producer). (2011, January 12). inFact: Conspiracy theories [Video podcast]. Retrieved from |
Streaming video - Kanopy
Reference list entry:
Marcom Projects (Producer). (2004). Media literacy: Media ethics [Streaming video]. Retrieved from Kanopy Video Streaming database. |
DVD online
Reference list entry:
American Psychological Association (Producer). (2000). Responding therapeutically to patient expressions of sexual attraction [DVD]. Available from |
A reference list only lists the sources you have referred to in your writing.
The purpose of the reference list is to allow your sources to be be found by your reader. It also gives credit to authors whose work and ideas you have considered. All references cited in the text must appear in the reference list, except for personal communications (such as conversations or emails) which cannot be retrieved.
A bibliography is different from a reference list as it lists all the sources used during your research and background reading, not just the ones you refer to in your writing.
References |
Alred, G. J., Brusaw, C. T., & Oliu, W. E. (2009). The business writer’s handbook. New York, NY: St Martin's Press. |
Best, A. (2004). International history of the twentieth century. Retrieved from |
Easton, B. (2008). Does poverty affect health? In K. Dew & A. Matheson (Eds.), Understanding health inequalities in Aotearoa New Zealand (pp. 97–106). Dunedin, New Zealand: Otago University Press. |
Flesch, R. (n.d.). How to write plain English. Retrieved April 12, 2009, from /writing/flesch.shtml |
​Global warming. (2009, June 1). Retrieved June 4, 2009, from |
Li, S., & Seale, C. (2007). Learning to do qualitative data analysis: An observational study of doctoral work. Qualitative Health Research, 17, 1442–1452. |
Radio New Zealand. (2008). Annual report 2007-2008. Retrieved from /pdf_file/0010/179676/Radio_NZ_Annual_Report_2008.pdf |
Read, E. (2007, November 1). Myth-busting gen Y. New Zealand Management. Retrieved from |
A secondary citation is where you are citing information or quotes the author of your reference has taken from source that you have not read.
In-text citation:
Seidenberg and McClelland’s study, conducted in 1990 (as cited in Coltheart, Curtis, Atkins, & Haller, 1993), shows that ... |
... as some studies show (Seidenberg & McClelland, as cited in Coltheart, Curtis, Atkins, & Haller, 1993). |
Reference list entry:
Coltheart, M., Curtis, B. Atkins, P., & Haller, M. (1993). Models of reading aloud: Dual-route and parallel-distributed-processing approaches. Psychological Review, 100, 589–608. |