NZ Research, on the DigitalNZ search site, is a central place to find open access research documents, including theses produced by New Zealand universities.
After your initial search you can apply filters, for example Content partner (institution) or date.
You can also search for theses/dissertations from an individual university by using their online library catalogue or institutional research repository:
You may request an interlibrary loan to get a thesis/dissertation that is not available online from other universities.
Requests for NZ items are generally straightforward. The item will usually be provided for your use in the AUT Library only.
Requests for overseas items can involve significant expense so each request is negotiated on a case-by-case basis.
Please contact the Interlibrary Loans team by email or phone (09) 921 9999 ext 8662 to discuss your needs for borrowing theses/dissertations from other universities.