A data management plan (DMP) is a formal document that outlines how you will handle your data both during your research, and after the project is completed. This ensures that data are well-managed in the present, and prepared for preservation in the future. A DMP is often required in grant proposals.
A research data management plan is a living document and should be reviewed and updated regularly.
WSG format for a data management plan mentioned in the video.
Your DMP should include the a brief description about your project and how data will be managed:
The AUT Data Management Planning Tool makes use of a platform developed and hosted by University of California Digital Library. By using this tool you will create a data management plan based on current AUT data management guidance.
Plans can be drafted on DMPTool and once complete are downloadable in PDF form for your own records. Settings in the tool allow you to control whether your plan is private, institutionally viewable or open to public view.
The questions and structure of the DMPTool have been customised for AUT researchers as part of a joint project between AUT Library and the University Research Office. If you would like to give constructive feedback on the tool please contact: luqman.hayes@aut.ac.nz
Important: To access the AUT Template, you must select 'No funder associated with this plan or my funder is not listed' on the Create Plan page.