Benefits of sharing: | Ways of sharing: |
You should clarify ownerships and intellectual property rights of your data or other datasets used in your project. For example, who owns the data, who can manage or use/reuse the data.
Consult the following guidelines/policies and experts:
More information:
You may apply a Creative Commons license to your research data before releasing it to the public. Appropriate no-known rights statements may be used for non-copyright material.
DOI is a digital object identifier for identifying publications and research data in a digital environment.
The use of DOIs helps the discovery of your research data.
ORCiD is a free unique identifier for distinguishing individual researchers and their research output and activities. Find more details about ORCiD and how to apply for an ORCiD from the Library ORCiD guide
The Library recommends that the owners of research data should include their ORCID in the DMP and consider to get DOIs when making your data open online. These ensure author identification, the ownership of the data and good data citations.
There are other research identifiers used by organisations or individual researchers:
ROR Research Organization Registry
RAiD Research Activity Identifier
Data citation provides a reference to data, similar to a publication citation.
Your data will be cited as a primary research by yourself, and by other researchers when your data is published. Providing a data citation which includes a DOI will help other researchers find, reuse and cite your data.
Find more details in the following guides:
The following online guides may help you citing datasets:
Data articles are articles about research data. Data articles are peer-reviewed. Data articles are mainly published in open access data journals.
Data journals publish datasets and supplemental materials linked to datasets or articles. Papers published in data journals are usually peer-reviewed.
Find more details from the data repositories page.