Please see Adding Books & Journals Articles if the book or article you need digitised has not been added to your list yet.
A digitisation is a photocopy of part of a print book or a journal article
The library can scan a hardcopy from AUT's print collection, another library's print collection, or your personal copy
Request digitisations several business days before they are needed, so there is time to source a hardcopy
There are limits on how much of a Book or Journal can be photocopied per course each Semester
These copying limits are stipulated by AUT's prepaid 'Universities Licence' from Copyright Licencing New Zealand.
Books One full chapter can be copied OR up to 10% of the total page count (which ever is greater)
Journal Issues One journal article per issue OR Two articles per issue if about the same subject
If it is essential for more of a book to be photocopied, the limit can be extended:
If a book is Outside Copyright, or Out of Print, it can be exempted from these limits:
A digitisation request will be rejected if:
Links to digitisations are only available during the semester/ term/ trimester they are requested for:
To request one full chapter in a book:
To request multiple/consecutive chapters/pages in a book:
To request non-consecutive chapters/pages in a book:
To request an article from a journal:
Videos can be copied, stored, and shared under AUT's pre-paid educational Screenrights Licence
If students are unable to view videos assigned as Course Resources due to: