When signing a copyright transfer agreement or an exclusive license agreement with a publisher*, we suggest researchers retain basic rights that will enable you to:
SPARC author addendum to publication agreement - this addendum to your publication agreement could be used to secure your rights to your publications.
*Keep a copy of the agreement you have signed. Store it permanently.
AUT leaves copyright in the hands of researchers except for course materials or in other, specific situations:
The following online resources provide good guidelines for copyright owners:
A copyright cleared version can be deposited through Research Elements to AUT's open access research repository Tuwhera. The permitted versions vary but often it is the post-print version which is the author's final version after peer-reviewed. Library staff will check publishers' copyright and archiving policies for you.
Make sure you check the following before you post full-text articles onto researcher networks:
The following are useful articles and videos to help you manage your copyright:
Creative Commons is a not for profit organization that offers free licences to enhance the use and sharing of creative works. These licences enable authors to control how their works can be used but also allow for the sharing of resources and works in certain ways.
There are six different copyright licence options through Creative Commons - each of these allow different types of use of the specified work. To view these licences and to see what each allows, visit the CC website: