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ORCID and Researcher Profiles

Be seen, be cited...

Like most researchers, you probably want your research to be read and cited by other researchers. It is worth spending time on promoting your research and ensuring your findings have reached wider readers. There are many ways to make your research outputs highly visible on the Internet. 

Open Access 

Make your articles available through open access platforms. 

Researcher IDs 

Use a unique ID to distinguish you and your publications from other researchers, reducing misattribution and improving bibliometrics.

Research profiles 

Up-to-date research profiles will make your work more discoverable. 

Share research data 

Data sharing is a good way to increase visibility of your research.

Social media 

Social media, such as Twitter, Facebook and blogs, are good online tools for promoting your research.

This guide highlights some online tools to help you increase your online visibility and research impact.

Why use researcher IDs and profiles?

Problems that can occur in identifying your profile:

  • Two or more researchers having the same name
  • Variations or changes in the researcher’s name
  • Typographical and phonetic errors
  • Translation and transliteration

Problems with visibility of your publications:

  • Subscription journals not freely accessible
  • Research impact not visible when applying for promotion and funding
  • Collaborators cannot find you

Research IDs and profiles can help you solve the above problems.

  • A unique researcher ID will distinguish you and your publications from other researchers, reduce misattribution and improve bibliometrics.
  • An online research profile will make your work more discoverable and may also lead to local and international collaborations.

A comparison table for the most popular researcher identifiers and profiles

ID number
Link to ORCID
Add publication automatically
Usage stats
Share full-text
Collaboration tools



Scopus Author ID




Google Scholar
My profile












Research data identifiers

There are some popular research identifiers: 

ORCID: Open Researcher and Contributor ID

ROR Research Organization Registry

RAiD Research Activity Identifier

IGSN International Geo Sample Number

ARK Archival Resource Key
Create an ARK at EZID (University of California)

Researcher Health Check

Research Services Librarians can help you with your profiles, visibility and impact by working through this Researcher Health Check form.