32. Stephen Fry (@stephenfry), "Happy Birth and Death Day, Shakespeare. Keep slaying those dragons, George #StGeorgesDay," Twitter, April 22, 2019, 11:29 p.m., 33. Whakatane Museum and Art Gallery (@whakatanemuseamandarts), "Another great post card design for our new Volcanic Artist Residency, by @rossmurrayillustration #whakaari #whakatane," Instagram photo, July 6, 2018, 34. Maisey Rika, "A waiata and message from our tuakana the eldest civilisation on earth the First Nation people of Australia e te Rangatira e Te Iwi Moemoeā tena koutou katoa!" Facebook, May 22, 2019, |
NB: Alternatively, you can choose to weave citation information for social media posts into your text, rather than including a reference. See Citing newspapers in text for more information on how to do this.
35. Catherine Morland, post to "HTML/CSS - Books n Blogs," The Web Design Forum, July 12, 2019, 12:44 p.m., |
NB: Alternatively, you can choose to weave citation information for forum posts into your text, rather than including a reference. See Citing newspapers in text for more information on how to do this.