See APA Referencing Style Guide - Books for definitive examples of APA-compliant references.
Books and book chapters – common issues
When EndNote output does not follow the exact APA style try the following:
Resource | Reference types | Instruction | Example |
Book with a corporate author | Book | In the Author field enter the corporate author and add a comma after the name. |
New Zealand Health Information Service. (2003). Report on maternity: Maternal and newborn information. Wellington, New Zealand: Ministry of Health. |
Book with a corporate author as publisher | Book | Instead of the full name add author in the Publisher field. |
New Zealand Universities Academic Audit Unit. (1998). Academic audit reports: Reports of the general academic audits of New Zealand universities. Wellington, New Zealand: Author. |
Book with 8 or more authors | Book | Enter all the names in the Author field or just enter the first seven and then the last one. All authors must be added if there are up to seven. |
Watson, S., Gunasekara, G., Gedye, M., van Roy, Y., Ross, M., Longdin, L., ... Brown, L. (2003). Law of business organisations (4th ed.). Auckland, New Zealand: Palatine Press. |
Book chapter | Book section |
Enter authors and editors in the appropriate fields. Enter the title of the chapter in the Title field and the title of the book in the Book Title field. Use Page and Volume fields to enter the page numbers and chapter and volume of the book (if applicable). |
Easton, B. (2008). Does poverty affect health? In K. Dew & A. Matheson (Eds.), Understanding health inequalities in Aotearoa New Zealand (pp. 97–106). Dunedin, New Zealand: Otago University Press. |
Edited book | Edited book | The Editor field appears instead of Author. Enter the names in the same way. |
Sikes, P., & Potts, A. (Eds.). (2008). Researching education from the inside: Investigations from within. London, England: Routledge. |
E-book with DOI | Electronic book |
If it is an edited e-book use the Edited Book reference type. Leave out Place and Publisher. |
Picon, A., Swift, M., & Lezama, C. (2013). Ornament: The politics of architecture and subjectivity. |
E-book not from a database and without a DOI | Electronic book |
In the URL field include the full URL or the homepage URL.
Leave out Place and Publisher.
Austen, J. (1853). Pride and prejudice: A novel. Retrieved from |
E-book from a Library database | Electronic book |
In the URL field include the URL but remove the ezprozy details.
Leave out Place and Publisher.
Best, A., Hanhimaki, J., Maiolo, J. A., & Schulze, K. E. (2015). International history of the twentieth century and beyond (3rd ed.). Retrieved from https://ebookcentral-proquest-com |
Edited book with edition comment | Edited book | If a book has a comment after the edition, e.g. 4th ed., text rev., enter all of it in the Accession Number field. Do not use the Edition field at all. |
American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed., text rev.). Washington, DC: Author. |
Pamphlet or brochure |
Book |
Use the Type of Work field. Enter Brochure or Pamphlet. |
Gambles, I. (2009). Making the business case: Proposals that succeed for projects that work [Brochure]. Farnham, England: Ashgate. |