You may sometimes need to modify an existing EndNote reference style to better suit your referencing needs.
Note: It is difficult to save a modified style in the main EndNote styles folder, so we recommend you start by creating a personal styles folder.
The following example show you how to add a field for a translated title to the Book template:
Most often style editing is done in two main areas:
Make your modifications:
Example: modifying a Book template in the APA 7th style. The original style template was:
Author. (Year). Title| (|Translator, Trans.| Editor Ed.^Eds.| Edition ed.| Vol. Volume|)|. Publisher|.
Author. (Year). Title| [Translated Title]| (|Translator, Trans.| Editor Ed.^Eds.| Edition ed.| Vol. Volume|)|. Place Published|: Publisher|.
Certain symbols such as "|" have distinct meanings. These resources will be very useful:
Note: You should also change the style in the EndNote CWYW tab in Word to this modified style.