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A comprehensive guide to the reference management software EndNote.

Moving between computers

Method 1. Using a compressed Library

  • Save a compressed Library to a cloud location
  • Give it a name that indicates it is a backup and a date
  • Do not open your compressed library in a cloud location. Move your compressed library to the local hard drive before opening it
  • Open and rename the library to the original name on the local drive


Method 2. Using a portable hard drive

You can store your EndNote library on a portable hard drive and use it with multiple computers

Method 3. Using EndNote online

  • Sync your library to EndNote Web or EndNote online
  • Open EndNote on another computer and sync with EndNote online to download the records
  • Use this method with caution as your Group sets, or Smart groups will not sync to the online library and reference record numbers may change during the syncing process
Word and EndNote Library on a different computer
  • Open EndNote and sync with your EndNote Web or EndNote Online library to download records
  • Open the Word document you are working on from the local drive
  • Click Update Citations and Bibliography in the EndNote ribbon.  This will ensure the citation record numbers will match the record numbers in your original EndNote Library
  • If you add new references to this EndNote library, remember to save a compressed backup copy, then sync with EndNote Online to upload the records
  • When you return to the original location, or another computer sync your EndNote library with EndNote Web or EndNote Online and Update Citations and Bibliography in your document