You can manually enter publication details to EndNote to create a reference record.
Note: Entering details carefully and correctly to avoid errors in your Word document.
After a reference has been entered to your Library, you should check the reference output and edit any field that has not been entered correctly. Find instructions in the Review and edit references page.
There must be either a space or a period after an initial if it is followed by another initial or name
Most of AUT Library's databases support the direct exporting of references. Although the location of export commands and labels varies by database, the overall process is largely the same:
In most databases the exporting citation function is relatively easy to use. However, for some databases extra information may be needed. The following list provides instructions for exporting from these databases.
EBSCO databases:
Art & Architecture Complete; Art Full Text; Art Index Retrospective; Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre; Business Source Complete; CINAHL; Communications and Mass Media Complete; Hospitality & Tourism Complete; MEDLINE; SocINDEX with Full Text; SPORTDiscus with Full Text; Teacher Reference Center
OVID databases:
AMED; Cochrane Library; ERIC; Essential Nursing Collection; Journals@OVID; MEDLINE; PsycARTICLES; PsycINFO; Lippincott 100 Nursing and Health Science Collection
This function will create a reference in your Library with the PDF attached. You will need to check and edit the reference to ensure the information inserted is correct.
The PDF must meet the following criteria:
Click the instructions for PC or Mac below:
Open your EndNote library, click File > Import > File
Open your EndNote library, click File > Import >
You can import a folder of PDF documents to your EndNote Library rather than doing each one individually. Each PDF will generate a reference.
You can set up EndNote to automatically import PDFs from a default folder on your computer.