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APA 7th Referencing Style Guide

Reference format


Who When What Where  

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B.

Name of Group.

Editor, E. E. (Ed.).

Editor, E. E., & Editor, F. F. (Eds.).



Title of book: Subtitle.

Title of book (3rd ed.)

Title of book (E. E. Editor, Ed.)

Publisher Name

First Publisher; Second Publisher.


  • Title in italics
  • Include all publishers listed on the copyright page of the book, use a semicolon after each publisher
  • Do not include business types, e.g. Inc., Co, Ltd, etc. in the publisher name
  • Always include the DOI if it is available
  • For ebooks, the format, platform or device (e.g., Kindle), is no longer included in the reference. APA Manual, p. 321, s10.2

Books and ebooks

More than one publisher

Koda, H., & Bolton, A. (2007). Poiret. Metropolitan Museum of Art; Yale University Press. 

  • List all publishers in the order they appear separating names with a semicolon. APA Manual p. 296, s9.29

Two authors

Page, J. T., & Parnell, L. J. (2019). Introduction to strategic public relations: Digital, global, and socially responsible communication. Sage.

Books and ebooks with DOI

Ewert, E. W., Mitten, D. S., & Overholt, J. R. (2014). Natural environments and human health. CAB International. 

Group author (organisation)

The CORE Team. (2017). The economy: Economics for a changing world. Oxford University Press.

  • Group authors may range from government departments to study groups. APA manual p. 288, s9.11

New edition of a book

Berk, L. E. (2018). Development through the lifespan (7th ed.). Pearson.

Edited book

Hamilton, L., & Ravenscroft, J. (Eds.). (2018). Building research design in education: Theoretically informed advanced methods. Bloomsbury Academic.

ebook - free online, no DOI

Lessig, L. (2011). Republic, lost: How money corrupts – and a plan to stop it. Twelve.

ebook - via the AUT Library, no DOI

St-Hilaire, W. A. (2019). Entrepreneurship: Strategies and policies. Apple Academic Press.

  • ebook without a DOI and retrieved from a research database, such as Proquest eBook Center, cite as a print book and do not include the database name or URL.
  • If a stable link can be provided, that the reader can open, include the URL.  APA Manual s.9.34

Several volumes in a multivolume work

Lerner, R. M. (Ed.). (2015). Handbook of child psychology and developmental science (7th ed., Vols.1-4). John Wiley & Sons.

Books from the ERIC database

Association of American Colleges and Universities. (2018). A vision for equity: Results from AAC&U's project "Committing to equity and inclusive excellence: Campus-based strategies for student success."  ERIC database.

  • Provide the name of the database for works of limited circulation. 

Republished books and ebooks

Barthes, R. (2012). Mythologies (R. Howard & A. Lavers, Eds.). Hill & Wang. (Original work published 1957)

Colenso, W. (2004). The authentic and genuine history of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. University of Auckland Library & Learning Services. (Original work published 1890).

  • Give the date of the republished version that you read after the author's name; put the date of the original publication at the end in brackets. APA Manual p. 323, s10.2 example 29


Pastoureau, M. (2018). Blue: The history of a color (M.I. Cruse, Trans.). Princeton University Press. (Original work published 2000)

  • Give the details of the version you read including the translator; put the date of the original publication at the end in brackets. APA Manual p. 301, s9.39

Classical works

Plato. (1961). Meno (R. S. Bluck, Trans.). Cambridge University Press. (Original work published ca. 380 B.C.)

Graphic novel where author and illustrator are given equal credit for authorship

Moore, A., & Gibbons, D. (2019). Watchmen. DC Comics.

  • Differentiate between author roles only if these are indicated on the front cover


Find how to cite in text on the In-text citation page.

Chapter in an edited book

Chapter in an edited ebook - with DOI

Sharma, R., Mehta, M., & Dhawan, A. (2015). Treatment of substance-abusing adolescents. In M. Mehta & R. Sagar (Eds.), A practical approach to cognitive behaviour therapy for adolescents (pp. 331–361). Springer. 

Chapter in an edited book - without DOI

Hall, K., & Cork, H. (2017). Back to basics: Reforming Australia's private sector whistleblowing laws. In R. Levy, M. O'Brien, S. Rice, P. Ridge & M. Thornton (Eds.), New directions for law in Australia: Essays in contemporary law reform (pp. 93–101). Australian National University Press.

Chapter in edited book with volume number and individual name

Vogel, C. (2016). Communication sequences and survival analysis. In A. Esposito & L. C. Jain (Eds.), Toward robotic socially believable behaving systems series: Vol. 2. Modeling social signals (pp. 47-59). Springer

  • If a numbered book volume has its own title, include the volume number and title after the main title. APA Manual p. 295, s9.28

Chapter in an edited ebook - not from AUT Library

Smith, H. (2019). Monetizing movement. In M. Graham, R. Kitchin, S. Mattern & J. Shaw (Eds.), How to run a city like Amazon, and other fables (pp. 570-605). Meatspace Press.

  • Include the URL to the content


Find how to cite in text on the In-text citation page.

Book compilations / custom publications

  • Treat a book that is a compilation of chapters from other books and published specifically for AUT (or another organisation) as an edited book
  • Include the name and centre for which it is published, if that is stated with the other publishing details in the first few pages of the book


Book - where the organisation for which the book is compiled is not named:

Mpofu, C. (Ed.). (2010). Psychology and lifespan development: An introductory text for health professionals [Custom textbook].  Pearson Custom Publication.

Book - where the organisation is named:

Krägeloh, C. (Ed.). (2008). Research methods and statistics in the health sciences [Custom textbook]. McGraw-Hill. Custom publication for Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences, Auckland University of Technology.

Chong, S., & Werner, M. (Ed.). (2016). ACCT 601 accounting practice & systems for AUT University [Custom textbook]. Cengage Learning. Custom publication for Faculty of Business and Law, Auckland University of Technology.

Book chapter

Bordens, K., & Abbott, B. (2008). Explaining behavior. In C. Krägeloh (Ed.), Research methods and statistics in the health sciences [Custom textbook] (pp. 3–30). McGraw-Hill. Custom publication for Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences, Auckland University of Technology.


Find how to cite in text on the In-text citation page.

Dictionaries and encyclopedias

Group author

Oxford University Press. (2010). Biomorph. In Oxford English dictionary (3rd ed.).

  • When the entry is archived on the dictionary website, a retrieval date is not needed. 


Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Light. In dictionary. Retrieved January 23, 2020, from  

  • If the entry is continuously updated and the versions are not archived, use "n.d." for the date and include a retrieval date. 


With author/s

Bringsjord, S., & Govindarajulu, N. S. (2018). Artificial intelligence. In E. N. Zalta (Ed.), The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. Stanford University.