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APA 7th Referencing Style Guide

Reference format

  • Reports include annual reports, government reports, technical reports and research reports.
  • Grey literature includes press releases, codes of ethics, grants, policy briefs and other unpublished research.

Reference format

Who  When  What  Where  

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B.

Name of Group.


(Year, Month day)

Title of the report.

Title of the report (Report No. 123).

Title of the grey literature [Description].

Publisher Name. DOI or URL
  • It is optional, but sometimes helpful, to describe the type of material in square brackets after the title
  • If the publisher is the same as the author, omit the publisher from the source element


Find how to cite in text on the In-text citation page.


Annual report

Fletcher Building Limited. (2019). Annual report 2019.

Radio New Zealand. (2019). Trust is a taonga: Radio New Zealand annual report 2018/2019.

Government report

Chiswell, S. & Grant, B. (2019). New Zealand coastal sea surface temperature (Report No. CR388). Ministry for the Environment.

Reports from a database

Brewster, C., & Railsback, J. (2002). Full-day kindergarten: Exploring an option for extended learning (ED472733). ERIC.

Euromonitor International. (2019). Sleep aids in New Zealand [Country report]. Passport.

MarketLine. (2018). Hotels & motels in New Zealand [Industry profile].

  • For works from databases with limited circulation (e.g. Passport, ERIC,  MarketLine, etc.) and requiring a login to access, provide the name of the database and the URL of the database homepage when the publication is original and is only available in that database. APA Manual s. 9.30, pp. 296-297

Code of ethics


Engineering New Zealand. (2016). Code of ethical conduct.

Press releases


BusinessNZ. (2019, October 9). New Zealand 19th most competitive [Press release]. 

Waitangi Tribunal reports

Print report

Waitangi Tribunal. (2015). He Whiritaunoka: The Whanganui land report (Report No. Wai 903). Legislation Direct.

Online report   

Waitangi Tribunal. (2015). He Whiritaunoka: The Whanganui land report (Report No. Wai 903).